Offering Movie Theatre Franchise in India
PictureTime is a Mobile Digital Movie Theatre (MDMT). It is the world’s first state of the art, digital mobile movie cinema. PictureTime offers digital movie screening on a Big Screen with Dolby 5.1 surround sound in a DCI compliant mode in rural / small cities. The DigiPlex infrastructure includes a custom-made and patent pending Acoustics Enabled Inflated Enclosure (AEIE) to house 120-150 people. The first launch was done at International Film Festival of India, Goa, 2015 PictureTime did pilot campaign in the state of Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Presently there are around 8,500 screens in India, out of these 80% are in big cities. There is a scope to build 50,000 more screens in India. PictureTime aims to build 1000+ theaters in the next 5 years. PictureTime has the capacity to build up to 100 screens per month by scaling up. As on date, Picturetime has 15,00,000 customers, 25 digiplexes, 50,000+ hours of content showcased, presence across 600+ cities across 18+ states, has participated in more than 10 film festivals, and aims to setup 150+ digiplexes by Dec 2020, thereby making it one of the biggest movie theatre franchise in India.
Technology Engineer and Entrepreneur. Currently working with International Brands and helping them scale their products Globally through different ventures. He owns Multiple Food Brands and is on a continuous spree to acquire many more businesses in the coming years. With over 10 years of experience and strong background in Brand Acquisition, Karan Makan is soon poised to be a Brand in the coming years.