Helen Brown once said that if money cannot bring you happiness, it will at least it let you be miserable in comfort. This applies to everyone, irrespective of whether you might be a student, a fresh college graduate, a working individual, or even a successful and wealthy adult. No matter whichever stage of life you belong to, the desire to have more money will always be a constant thought at the back of your head. As per one survey, a quarter of the people worry about money all the time.
Even the most successful millionaires and billionaires keep working throughout their lives to earn more money. As with all things, the key to being rich is the mentality. Successful people don’t necessarily do different things; they do the same things as others, albeit in a different manner.
So, here are some odd chores, part-time jobs, side hustles, and businesses you can think upon to make some quick and relatively easy money, no matter how old you are or how much capital you have to begin with.
How To Earn Money Quickly At Any Stage In Life
Students (No Investment)
There are many things you could do alongside your studies to make some extra cash for your day-to-day expenditures. You could always make use of your talents and skillset and do something productive like blogging, making YouTube videos, or doing freelance work. You can also work as a part-time courier or delivery person and deliver orders, mail, and packages around the city. In addition to that, you could utilize your holidays and weekends acting as a local tour guide by organizing walking tours for tourists, or by babysitting or pet-sitting for people.
All of these tasks require no special skills and pay you decent money, considering the minimal amount of effort you have to put in. This will also make you learn the value of money early on and will inculcate the habit of saving, which will serve you well in the long journey of life.
People in New Jobs (No Savings)
If you belong to this category, you will realize that you cannot afford to take out time for doing the things that college students can, and as good as investments sound; you do not have any substantial savings to partake in it. What you can do, however, is devote your weekends towards developing and working on your side hustles; be it blogging, giving e-tuition classes, or even working as an insurance agent.
Maybe you could also think of unconventional options like selling herbal juices outside parks in the morning and offering tuition services to students in the evenings, but it might add up on your workload and result in excess stress and fatigue. If you’ve created a considerable reputation on social media, you could also consider affiliate marketing as a bonus money-making option. With a little bit of research and a lot of energy and focus, you could easily create a secondary source of income for yourself.
People in a Steady Job (Considerable Savings)
George Carlin famously said, “Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit.” If you’ve saved up in the past and wish to turn it into a considerable amount, you need to find the right investment opportunity to multiply your savings. There is a golden rule in finance; do not save to save, but, save to invest. Investments will always reap benefits for you in the long run and contrary to popular belief, you do not have to put in a great deal of money to get started.
If you’re looking to make quick money in the short-term, you could try trading stocks, i.e., buying stocks at low prices and selling them off as their value increases. As the share market is very volatile, it can end up suiting your purpose very nicely; but you must make your choice very carefully. Also worth considering are mutual funds involving low initial investments and short durations. You can also go a bit orthodox and invest in a small tea or snacks stall (eggs, idli-dosa, vada-pav, momos), preferably something small enough to be run by a single person. These businesses have low margins per product, but when accumulated, it stands to return a handsome profit for you.
People Looking to Invest Big-Time
Reliable and orthodox options for making significant investments include the real estate sector, small independent businesses like running a food truck or a small café, mutual funds, and franchising. While the other options are also fine, but if you dream big, and have the resources available to make them possible, you will do best to foray into the world of franchising.
A virtual goldmine, franchising is the preferred route for many businessmen and investors to diversify their business. While there are several reasons why you should consider starting a franchise, the biggest benefit is that the business has a lower risk of failure.
Then, of course, there are the perks that come with a big brand, namely no efforts in marketing and advertising, and a visible edge over local competitors. So, if you get your location right, which can generate a good crowd base, you stand to reap immense returns on your investment and can recover your original investment in a short duration too. The best part is that there are franchise business opportunities in India in diverse industries and for all budgets.
So, you can choose between franchise business opportunities below 30 lakhs, franchise business opportunities below 20 lakhs and franchise opportunities below 10 lakhs as well. In case the budget is not a challenge, explore the top 100 franchise business opportunities in India and take your pick.
Owning a business always gives a person more joy than working for someone. And venturing into the field of franchising provides you with the perfect opportunity for that. To know more about how you can start a franchise, please get in touch with us by filling out this form.
Experts say that November is a good month to start investing in your dreams and initiate the process of being your boss. Other favourable months include January, February, March, April, May, Jun, July, August, September, October, and December. In other words, it is never too late to begin saving and investing. Whatever expertise you might be in, if you’re looking to make it big, you need to start working towards your goal with a similar mindset.
Of the various options available, you need to calculate the pros and cons and decide which of the above you’d most comfortable with, and then work dedicatedly towards it. And remember, it is never too late; the early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.